This Feature Can Make It Easy Playing Movie on Smartphone

This Feature Can Make It Easy Playing Film on Smartphone

Video and audio files in the smartphone does not need to be moved to be enjoyed in other devices. This applies to devices that support the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA).

Smartphone Oppo R5 is one that has a feature called the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA).

DLNA is a feature that can access multimedia files (music, video, and images) stored in the device via other devices without a cable connection.

With this feature, multimedia files in the smartphone users can be accessed directly through a variety of digital devices such as TVs, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computer.

However, you can access the multimedia file must be a digital device that has the capability also features DLNA. For laptop or computer operating system Windows now almost all been supporting DLNA technology.

To activate the DLNA feature on Oppo R5 users can access the application processor's default file smartphone.

In this application the user can directly select menu bearing the three points and will appear DLNA button.

After entering the page DLNA, users can directly activate the DLNA feature by pressing the Start Service. But make sure the first Oppo R5 and Windows computers connected to a Wi-Fi connection or the same router.

After DLNA-enabled, users can see a smartphone that has been connected to a Windows computer software in Windows Explorer. Smartphones will be seen in the Media Device found on the Network.

Usually the default name of the smartphone will be R8106 code, but users can change the name directly on the smartphone.

When it opens in Windows Explorer smartphones that will automatically run the Windows Media Player. Furthermore, users can directly play multimedia files there.

(image: kompas)

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