Samsung Still Have Determination To Make Windows Phone

Samsung Still Have Determination To Make Windows Phone

While Huawei bend over backwards to avoid Windows Phone because there is no money to be made from it, Samsung is even planning to make devices with Microsoft's operating system is.

As reported by the Korea Times, South Korean company is considering the possibility of launching several Windows Phone-powered mobile phone at an affordable price this year.

"Samsung has been running the program premiered on the stability of Windows 8.1 software on the device. He is interested in promoting the Windows phone," said the source Korea Times, as quoted from page TechRadar on Tuesday (13.01.15).

Only one thing is the bottleneck Samsung plans to launch this: legal case between him and Microsoft.

In August, Microsoft dragging Samsung to court regarding arrears yet Samsung pay royalties to Microsoft since the acquisition of Nokia. On the other hand, Samsung believes that Microsoft's acquisition on Nokia makes Microsoft as its direct competitors.

(Image credit: m.gadget-id)

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