The Little Annoying Bird, Flappy Bird is Back on Google Play
Thanks to the Android developer Corbin Davenport, now Flappy Bird again present and can be played on Android-powered smartwatch Wear. The process to get the game requires the user to use a modified version of the apk smartwatch, and Android Debugging Bridge which instructions can be read in the post Davenport.
Unfortunately, Flappy Bird smartwatch version has a problem on the part of the cut scores on the screen. However, Davenport said that there is no problem anymore besides that cut part of the score on the screen. The game can be played in smartwatch backed Android operating system, one of which Motorola Moto 360.
Previously, Davenport never experimented with other smartwatch, namely Samsung Gear Live. With the help aDosBox, Davenport can run Windows-Windows 95-old school on the smartwatch.
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