The Charm of Asus Zen Zoom

At the time of CES 2015 Asus is not only releasing Zenfone 2 alone but it also launched a Vendor taiwan Zen Zoom as output first camera phone. Glimpsed Zen Zoom and Zenfone 2 in terms of design is almost the same. However, the difference can be seen from the back, for a part of Zen Zoom camera look more prominent than 2 Zenfone premises,

The Charm Of Asus Zen Zoom

For camera capabilities, Zen Zoom comes with the same camera with 13MP Zenfone ie. However, Asus provides a 3x optical zoom on a camera phone to improve its capabilities, then Asus also added a feature that allows the camera to focus the laser to more quickly get focus on the object.

Zoom In Zen specifications have the same hardware as Zenfone 2 that uses a 64-bit processor quad-core intel atom Z3580 with speed of 2.3 GHz, has 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal memory. For the price range Zen Zoom is $ 399.

(image credit: phonearena)

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