Android One and Firefox Will Be The Best Seller OS in 2015

The new smartphone platforms, such as Android One and Firefox OS, is expected to increase its sales in the year 2015.

According to DigiTimes, Wednesday (12/31/2014), the increase in sales was driven by the needs of feature phone users who will switch to a smartphone.

One and Firefox Android OS smartphone is targeting two entry-level class, the price is low, about 100 US dollars.

Meanwhile, smartphone OS Mozilla Firefox is scheduled to go on sale in 30 countries by 2015 this.

Mozilla has had 14 different types of Firefox OS smartphone with a few models that are sold at prices below 30 dollars (about USD 400 thousand).

Gartner analysts predict institutions with the cheapening of the selling price of a smartphone than a feature phone, the feature phone market share is predicted to be only the remaining 10 percent in 2018.

(image: google)

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