Nvidia Launches Mobile Most Advanced Processor Ever Created

One day ahead of CES 2015, Nvidia officially unveil its newest chip, the Tegra X1 on Sunday (01.04.15) local time. Mobile processor is believed to be capable of performing trillions of calculations (teraflops) per second. X1 is the Tegra chip Nvidia gahar ever created.

Nvidia Launches Mobile Most Advanced Processor Ever Created

Dress style rocker, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang himself who introduced the Tegra X1 to members of the media on stage CES 2015 in Las Vegas.

"This Small things is a super chip for mobile," said Huang. "We can run any application that relies on Maxwell architecture," as quoted from CNET on Monday (05.01.15).

With eight 64-bit CPU core and core 256 GPU, Tegra X1 two times faster than Tegra K1 which was launched last year.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the superclass chip, Huang run game Elemental IV using Unreal Engine 4 are powered by Tegra X1.

Although the Tegra processor X1 is for mobile devices, Huang noted that the power it produces better used on cars. Huang also said it plans to advance the technology and introduce an automatic car in a car-based computing platform called Tegra X1 Drive CX.

(image credit: m.gadget-id.com)

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