Google's Prepare Android 5.1, on Mid 2015

Google has released Android 5.0 in late 2014 Lollipop ago. Google's latest operating system won praise and criticism as well as the discovery of some annoying bugs. To overcome this, Google is rumored to be released Android 5.1 in summer 2015.

Google's Prepare Android 5.1, on Mid 2015

Android 5.1 Update is probably still named Lollipop and will fix several bugs including missing silent mode on Android 5.0. Before being released to the public, Android 5.1 will be tested to a number of selected users in February before being released to the public in June or July. Some bugs are likely to be improved is the wifi problem, the problem in Google Ok, notification, until some sound problems reported in some kind of Android devices.

This update will be distributed prior to handset makers and carriers to be tested before it is given to the user. As for now, the new Android users can taste the Android 5.0.2 for some specific types of devices.

(image credit: google)

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